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Glasseran is a non-profit organization dedicated to the spiritual and educational enhancement of anyone interested in learning about the organization and its ideas and methods. Glasseran provides a process of spirituality with its own principles of faith, universal study and methods of attaining personal spiritual balance.  Regarding educational preparation and course studies, Glasseran provides classes on how to learn, how to think and how to approach learning, thinking and attending school.  Utilizing methods which are intertwined with a universal view of understanding all things, Glasseran provides specific routines, processes and methods of personal study and learning.  These processes are then applied to thinking and learning, either on a micro level (per individual classes or schooling programs) or a macro level (life and spiritual enhancement).  Glasseran has been providing these curricula for many years with astounding results for its students and followers.  If you are interested in learning more about classes, on line or in person, or educational and spiritual study in the Glasseran methods and processes, or you wish to make a tax deductible donation or take classes, please contact us at Glasseran, 15640 NE Fourth Plain Blvd. #106-417, Vancouver, WA 98684.  Phone number (747) 444-8384. Email

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